Thursday, February 1, 2007

worn out...still wonderful.....

Most of us enjoy shopping for new clothes every now and then. It’s quite a natural inclination which just manages to fall short of consumerism. For a change, I feel otherwise. Just scrape beneath and look beyond the freshness of brand new clothes, you may find your old, routine shirts and trousers as dear to you as the new ones. Perhaps, even more. At least I opine so...
Gradually, the fresh scent of the clothes fades away and it attains a characteristic odour of your 'personality' which has impeccable distinctness in the case of each individual. When your dear ones are away, they are most missed when you happen to find some of their shirts or saris left behind. This is so very nostalgic.
As the clothes get older, they can be personified as becoming more mature and gracefully aged than before. This can be a perfect metaphor for the course of events in a man's life. Am at my ultimate comfort when i walk around in my old tracks and faded shirt(with the collar button missing!!). This feeling is very fulfilling and hard to communicate. Dad looks at his best when he is in his age old kurta and dhoti. Mom is most adorable in her peach salwar (peach because of the fully faded colour!!!). The pink and white tee gifted to me on my 14th birthday by mom is my favorite shirt till date! So is my dark blue pant even though it’s torn and darn at the knee!! Clothes I feel are your most faithful material companion throughout your journey of life and are often "pregnant with memories". Sensitive ones share a strong bond and belongingness with their attire. In this world of diplomats and backstabbers, I sometimes feel so thankful and grateful that at least my clothes are here to reassure me. I shudder to think of the consequence otherwise! Thank you...
Prateek M
4th sem,cse

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